Clergy or Religious Organization Sex Abuse

Clergy or Religious Organization Abuse

Religious Organizations

When ministers and other such employees are being hired, churches and other religious organizations usually focus on things like experience, religious philosophy, and leadership abilities. This focus is understandable, but it is also incomplete. These organizations also have a legal duty to hire clergy that protect children and never exploit them. Seminaries and other educational institutions have a similar responsibility. Grades and aptitude alone are not enough.

If these organizations fall short in this area, children often pay the price. Andy Goldwasser at Ciano & Goldwasser, LLP understands the intense pain and suffering these victims and their loved ones must endure. It is hard to fathom the emotional damage that abusers inflict on children when they use their positions of power during this abuse. We work extra hard to obtain the financial compensation these victims need and deserve.

Clergy Sex Abuse

Clergy sexual abuse comes in many forms, and includes:

  • Sodomy

  • Attempted rape

  • Serial rape

  • Gang rape

  • Incest

  • Indecent actions, including stimulation, humiliation, and sexual satisfaction

  • Extortion requiring individuals to perform inappropriate sexual activities

  • Sexual harassment

  • Publishing photographs, recordings, or videos of degrading or humiliating sexual activity without the victim’s consent

  • Sharing pornography with a minor

  • A harasser’s sexual remarks or propositions

Damages in Child Sex Abuse Cases

Cleric abuse victims have been profoundly impacted in various aspects of their lives, causing immense pain and suffering. Fortunately, the law recognizes the gravity of the situation and provides a means for victims of sexual abuse to seek justice and recover compensation. By filing civil clergy abuse cases in civil court against the Church, victims can hold their perpetrators accountable.
Similar to other civil action cases, damages in priest abuse cases encompass both economic and non-economic losses. Victims may be entitled to receive monetary compensation for various expenses, including therapy, counseling, and medical treatment – both current and future. Additionally, they can seek restitution for the deep emotional wounds that haunt them for decades, causing unimaginable pain and suffering. Lost wages and the loss of a normal life, resulting from the lingering effects of the abuse, can also be factored into the awarded damages.
In some jurisdictions, punitive damages serve as a legal remedy to address the heinous nature of the crime and the need for justice. This additional form of compensation seeks to punish the perpetrator and deter similar misconduct in the future, serving as a form of reparation for victims seeking solace and closure.
The devastating consequences of clergy sexual assault extend far beyond the physical harm endured by the victims. Many survivors are left grappling with severe health and social injuries, which can include anxiety, depression, mistrust, sexual problems, and difficulties with interpersonal relationships. These long-lasting effects further underscore the importance of pursuing justice and obtaining the recovery that victims deserve.
Understanding the full extent of the damages suffered by these individuals is crucial in order to provide the necessary support and compensation to help them heal and rebuild their lives.

Why Hire an Attorney

Finding out about their legal choices and making their own decisions about what justice entails is one of the most empowering things a survivor can do. An accomplished clergy sexual abuse attorney will not only ensure that your voice is heard but also create a compelling legal argument on your side, fighting for your rights and seeking the justice you deserve. With their expertise, they can assist you in identifying the legislation and laws that apply to your specific situation, keeping you informed every step of the way. Furthermore, they can provide valuable information on recent laws that might facilitate the process of filing civil cases or criminal accusations against sexual abusers or accountable organizations. For instance, certain states have recently introduced "look-back" windows that enable victims of sex abuse to bring civil lawsuits against perpetrators, even if the statute of limitations has expired. Within this "look-back" window, survivors with cases that date back decades can finally seek justice and hold their abusers accountable through these retroactive provisions. With the guidance and support of a knowledgeable clergy sexual abuse attorney, survivors can navigate through the complex legal landscape, knowing that they have an advocate on their side, fighting for their rights and seeking justice.

Need Confidential Legal Help?

Call (216) 658-9900.

If you or someone you know may have been assaulted by someone in a religious organization, it is important to get legal help from caring and experienced attorneys. At Ohio Sex Abuse Lawyers, we are dedicated to helping survivors of clergy and religious organization sexual assaults holding those responsible accountable. Our attorneys have the skills and resources to investigate and build strong cases for survivors in Ohio and across the country. If you or someone you know has been a victim of being assaulted, please call our Cleveland, Ohio, Sexual Abuse Lawyer at 216-658-9900. We offer a free and confidential consultation to discuss your options and provide guidance and support. Let us assist you on your journey to healing and justice.

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