Resources for Victims of Sexual Assault
Here are resources for sexual assault if you or someone you know needs help:
Ohio Sexual Assault Resources
Male Sexual Assault
Men Healing is a key resource for male survivors of sexual abuse. This organization hosts resources for survivors at their website https://menhealing.org/resources-for-survivors/
Sexual Assault Local Resources
Sarnco is run through Ohio Health and is local in Columbus, Ohio. Their website is: https://www.ohiohealth.com/community-health/sarnco
Sexual Assault Ohio Resources
Ohio Sexual Violence Helpline’s website is: https://www.ohiosexualviolencehelpline.com/ Their phone number is (844) 644-6436.
Ohio Crime Victims Justice Center provides free legal assistance to crime victims to protect and enforce their rights. Their website is: https://www.ocvjc.org/
Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence provides many services, including training for advocates and preventionists, technical assistance for local programs, systems advocacy, and public policy work. Their website is https://oaesv.org/
The Ohio Attorney General’s Office provides several services for crime victims. Their website is: https://www.ohioattorneygeneral.gov/
Cleveland Rape Crisis https://www.clevelandrapecrisis.org/resources
Cleveland Rape Crisis Cuyahoga County https://www.clevelandrapecrisis.org/resources/cuyahoga-county-sart/sart-conference/
National Sexual Assault Resources
Rainn’s website is: https://www.rainn.org/about-national-sexual-assault-telephone-hotline. Their phone number is (800) 656-4673.
National Sexual Violence Resource Center provides resources and information for victims of sexual violence, their families, and advocates. Their website is https://www.nsvrc.org/survivors
The National Human Trafficking Hotline provides support for victims of human trafficking. Their website is https://humantraffickinghotline.org/en and their telephone number is (888) 373-7888.
Enough Abuse Campaign provides resources for adults who have experienced childhood sexual abuse. Their website is https://enoughabuse.org/get-help/survivor-support/
The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies provides information about the effects of trauma. They seek to reduce traumatic stressors and their immediate and long-term consequences. https://istss.org/
The National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse provides information and support for adult survivors of abuse. You can find an additional list of resources for Ohioans here http://www.naasca.org/Groups-Services/OHIO.pdf
The Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. Their website is https://jaapl.org/
The Administration of Children and Families is a division of the Department of Health and Human Services that provides information and resources for victims of sexual abuse. Their website is https://www.acf.hhs.gov/trauma-toolkit/victims-sexual-abuse
The Joyful Heart Foundation provides information related to sexual assault and child abuse. Their website is https://www.joyfulheartfoundation.org/
Child USA is the leading nonprofit think tank fighting for the civil rights of children. Their website is https://childusa.org/2023sol/