How We Can Help You as a Victim of Sexual Abuse
Institutional Sexual Abuse
Survivors of institutional sexual abuse often face a long and difficult road to healing and the challenge of seeking justice and accountability for those responsible.
Drug Facilitated Sexual Assaults
Drug facilitated assaults occur in people’s weakest moments. These assaults have long lasting effects and long lasting medical costs that are unexpected, unaffordable but necessary.
Human Trafficking
When someone has been a victim of human trafficking they will need help from people they love, guidance from doctors and a team of lawyers to guide them and help them get the justice they deserve.
Clergy or Religious Organizations
Clergy sexual abuse refers to the sexual exploitation of an individual by a religious leader or person of authority within a religious institution. Victims of clergy sexual abuse often suffer severe emotional and psychological trauma. Advocacy and support services are available to help.
Ohio enacted anti-hazing laws making hazing a felony and has a new hazing curriculum for college students, The law also requires universities to report hazing instances.
Mentors, Chaperones & Youth Leaders
Sexual abuse by mentors or youth leaders is a form of sexual violence that has devastating effects on the victim’s physical and emotional well-being. Perpetrators of sexual abuse in these positions often abuse their power and authority to manipulate, groom, and coerce victims into sexual activities. Support and resources are available to victims of this form of abuse is available in Ohio.
Damage caps place artificial limits on personal injury damages. The rules for damages in Ohio are complex. You will need for an experienced sexual abuse lawyer.
Sports and Coaches
Sexual abuse by coaches is a devastating reality. It refers to the exploitation of a power dynamic between a coach and an athlete, where the coach takes advantage of the trust and authority they hold over their athlete.
Teachers and Schools
Sexual abuse by teachers is a serious and pervasive problem that can have devastating effects on children and young adults. Teachers hold a position of power and trust over their students, making it easier for them to manipulate and coerce them into sexual acts. Advocates can provide resources and support to help victims heal from the trauma of this form of abuse and take action to stop further abuse by the perpetrator.
Fellow Student Abuse
Children have the right to express themselves, even if it is offensive to others. But if a student’s behavior becomes harmful to another, a line has been crossed.
Daycare Providers
Sexual abuse by daycare providers is a traumatic experience that can leave permanent scars on the victim. It’s important for parents to be vigilant and know how to identify and report any potential signs of abuse. Advocates can provide a supportive environment and the strength to seek justice.
Healthcare and Nursing Homes
Sexual abuse by nursing home staff is a serious and devastating problem. It can happen to anyone, regardless of age, gender, or mental and physical condition. Victims and their loved ones should speak up and seek help to hold the abuser accountable and prevent future abuse.
Title IX
Title IX of the Equal Opportunity in Education Act extends the 1964 Civil Rights Act & as an extension of the 14th Amendment it guarantees equal treatment under the law.