Healthcare and Nursing Home Providers
Nursing Home and Healthcare Provider Sex Abuse
At Ohio Sex Abuse Lawyers, we understand the significance of safeguarding the rights and well-being of elderly individuals residing in nursing homes, where they should feel secure and cared for. Our relentless devotion goes beyond the limits of traditional advocacy, as our highly skilled legal team unwaveringly stands by their ethical principles, committed to offering not only expert representation but also an unwavering sense of compassion for those who have been tragically affected by the alarming occurrence of sexual abuse within these susceptible environments.
The Ohio nursing home residents’ rights include “the right to be free from physical, verbal, mental, and emotional abuse and to be treated at all times with courtesy, respect, and full recognition of dignity and individuality.”
A nursing home infringes upon this right when any type of abuse occurs. This includes sexual assault.
The National Council of Aging defines sexual abuse as, “touching, fondling, intercourse or any other sexual activity with an older adult when the older adult is unable to understand, is unwilling to consent or when the aggressor threatens the victim or forces contact.” Other types of elderly sexual abuse include:
Sexual photography
Spying on an individual in the bathroom
Telling a sexual joke or story
Many nursing home residents are vulnerable to abuse due to a variety of reasons. Some individuals have trouble communicating, others don’t have full mobility to get around. Those who have dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, a physical disability or experience social isolation or neglect are at an increased risk for abuse. Residents are even more vulnerable during night shifts when they are sleeping and there is less supervision and staff on duty.
In the majority of elder sexual abuse cases, the perpetrator was the caregiver or nursing home staff member.
Signs of Sexual Assault in a Nursing Home
Nursing home residents may suffer from memory loss, confusion, or issues with communication which can make identifying sexual abuse incidents more difficult. To help identify possible sexual assault, friends and family members should look out for these following signs:
New emergence of sexually transmitted diseases
Recently developed issues with walking or sitting
Pelvic injuries
Bruises on and around the genital area
Anal or genital pain, bleeding, or irritation
Bloody, torn, or stained undergarments
Social withdrawal
Panic attacks or symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder
Inappropriate, aggressive, or unusual sexual behavior
Report any incident of suspected sexual assault to law enforcement.
How to Prevent Sexual Assaults
Oftentimes, facilities don’t properly train nursing home staff and administrators to identify sexual abuse. They do not know how to handle suspected or reported incidents as a result. Facilities should take the following steps to ensure safety for nursing home residents:
Train staff to identify abuse and protect victims
Run thorough background checks on staff
Implement more supervision for residents
Educate residents and families about prevention and detection
Put a successful abuse reporting system in place
Preserve evidence (don’t change clothes, sheets, etc.)
Need Confidential Legal Help?
Call (216) 658-9900.
If you or someone you know was assaulted at a nursing home, it is important to get legal help from caring and experienced attorneys. At Ohio Sex Abuse Lawyers, we are dedicated to helping victims of sexual assaults and holding those responsible accountable. Our attorneys have the skills and resources to investigate and build strong cases for survivors in Ohio and across the country. If you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual assaults, please call our Cleveland, Ohio, Sexual Abuse Lawyer at 216-658-9900. We offer a free and confidential consultation to discuss your options and provide guidance and support. Let us assist you on your journey to healing and justice.
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